Hamword Callsign Summary

Name/Callsign: Primo Kanic S56WKC

State/Section/Country: //Slovenia

Primo Kanic Statistics

Number of wins: 0
Number of losses: 0
Number of incompletes: 1
Total games: 1
Winning percentage: 0.00%
Average turns to win: 0.00
First week played: 2023-05-15
Most recent week played: 2023-05-15
Longest streak in weeks: 1
Longest streak started: 2023-05-15
Current streak in weeks: 1
Current streak started: 2023-05-15

Primo Kanic Guess Distribution

All Weeks/Players Statistics

Number of wins: 7240
Number of losses: 221
Number of incompletes: 863
Still playing this week's word:8
Total games: 8332
Winning percentage: 86.89%
Average turns to win: 3.39

All Weeks/Players Guess Distribution

Links to Leaderboard Reports

Current Gameplay

All-Time Leaderboards

Playing Streaks

30-Day Leaderboards
