Hamword ARRL Sections

Hams from these ARRL sections have played the Hamword game. If you click on the section name, you’ll see a summary of the efforts from each section. While most ARRL sections have played the game, we still miss entries from 13. We need Los Angeles, Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, San Joaquin Valley, US Virgin Islands and Wyoming. Start playing the game if your section is one of these targeted states!

1.   Alabama 22
2.   Alaska 21
3.   Arizona 5
4.   Arkansas 4
5.   Colorado 362
6.   Connecticut 41
7.   Delaware 30
8.   East Bay 126
9.   Eastern Massachusetts 76
10.   Eastern New York 187
11.   Eastern Pennsylvania 347
12.   Eastern Washington 1
13.   Georgia 14
14.   Idaho 100
15.   Illinois 82
16.   Indiana 484
17.   Iowa 282
18.   Kansas 86
19.   Kentucky 7
20.   Maine 2
21.   Maryland-DC 143
22.   Michigan 102
23.   Minnesota 66
24.   Mississippi 27
25.   Missouri 165
26.   Montana 1
27.   Nebraska 98
28.   New Hampshire 25
29.   New Mexico 2
30.   New York City-Long Island 34
31.   North Carolina 408
32.   North Texas 116
33.   Northern Florida 137
34.   Northern New Jersey 120
35.   Ohio 141
36.   Oklahoma 684
37.   Orange 217
38.   Oregon 659
39.   Pacific 290
40.   Sacramento Valley 1
41.   San Diego 47
42.   San Francisco 95
43.   Santa Barbara 4
44.   Santa Clara Valley 248
45.   South Carolina 31
46.   South Dakota 58
47.   South Texas 1
48.   Southern Florida 71
49.   Southern New Jersey 144
50.   Tennessee 49
51.   Utah 21
52.   Vermont 34
53.   Virginia 160
54.   West Central Florida 97
55.   West Texas 180
56.   West Virginia 35
57.   Western Massachusetts 129
58.   Western New York 276
59.   Western Pennsylvania 16
60.   Western Washington 1125
61.   Wisconsin 162